Since January 2017, an electric bus is driving in Ridderkerk-West as a pilot that allows elderly to experience an innovative concept for city transport.

The bus is intented for people of 55+ and for people who have difficulties walking. The project not only offers a ‘Wijkbus’, but aims to combine as many transportation streams as possible as the project’s name reveals. The project also tackles a social aspect, as the elderly get an easier opportunity to go outside. That said, this might make them feel less isolated and alone.

With just one vehicle, elderly care organization Riederborgh in close cooperation with Wijkbus, combines all the goods (meals, groceries and medicines) the elderly need with the transportation from and to the daycare facility of the elderly. As a result, not only the lives of the elderly are improved, but the increased efficiency and reduction in emissions have a positive effect on the environment. The project is now ready for upscaling and has possibilities to be applied in other cities too. The pilot was realized with a consortium of 5 parties: Riederborgh, IMC, Nissan, Wijkbus and Clean Tech Delta as part of the sustainability challenge that was won.